Love and Compassion Are Necessities


Through knowing Your innate connection, Your Oneness, with the Whole of Life, love and compassion are the basis of your functional perspective … leading to Inclusive thought and behavior … unity and peace!


Love and compassion are necessities

Humanity evolves, survives, moves forward, through knowing our connection and living as One.

John Halderman

I've been studying about life, how it works and what we can do with it for over 30 years. This has included many religions, philosophies, spirituality, psychology and sciences along with my own personal discovery and growth. Through all this I have come to feel we are all of one source. We have many varied descriptions of this source and our role within it, with a thread of commonality running through them all connecting our oneness. I feel that our putting more attention to this oneness is what will bring us together as one operating force of love and understanding. It is my purpose to help oneness and unity to become our functional reality. John Halderman

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