Thank You for Supporting the Living Unity
Consciousness Movement
Thank You for providing your monetary support to
The Living Unity Consciousness Movement,
it is very much appreciated…
We honor your commitment.
We are all in this together, so any and all support is
necessary and welcomed.
We are in the very beginning of this,
there will be much more to come to
support you individually,
and to further this cause socially and globally.
As this evolves there will be more options for you to be
involved with the movement,
while right now the emphasis is mainly on gathering people
to see what we are doing and to become part of it.
You can help with this now by keeping abreast of what we are doing and interacting with it, with comments, shares, reposing, liking, and discussing it whenever you can.
The various social internet sites are good vehicles to
spread our messages and the movement.
Plus the more individuals who actively do these things,
the more gravity we get with the search engines,
helping to make this more available to more people.
Again, I personally thank you for your support and your involvement,
I deeply appreciate you.
John Halderman