Radio Show Helps Understanding Islam

For one in search of more understanding about Islam, a great source of information covering a broad spectrum is the Inside Islam radio series, produced by Here on Earth: Radio Without Borders.

In our quest for a deeper understanding of the world it’s important to realize it is our personal responsibility to find out for ourselves, we know we can’t rely on the mainstream media or the common talk that goes on all around us. Here we have a wonderful resource for obtaining a deeper understanding of Islam and Muslim people that is well worth some of your attention.

Jean Feraca, Host of Here on Earth: Radio Without Borders, summed up the Inside Islam series during an Open Line show in early 2009. (See quote below) In that spirit, the project team has produced a wealth of radio shows about various aspects of Islam.

“We have a grant from the Social Science Research Council in New York City which is funded through the University of Wisconsin’s Global Studies center and all of the area centers of the Division of International Studies. It’s a very challenging project. The Social Science Research Council expressed concern that many Americans seem to be ignorant of Islam and fearful of Islam in the years since 9/11. So they have given a number of universities the challenge of sharing the global knowledge base that the university has with the American public in the hope of diffusing the fear mongering and opening up the American mind, one might say, to a more nuanced and more pluralistic notion of who Muslims are, of what they believe, and of the whole idea of Islam as something that is very present in American life as well as throughout the world. So if you notice that we are not focusing on radical Islam it’s because that’s what the media usually focuses on. We’re trying to get away from the monolithic notion that Muslims are all radicals and Islam is only about jihad. (Jean Feraca, 16 February 2009)”

You can find a schedule of upcoming shows as well as recorded archives of the many past shows on the Here on Earth: Radio Without Borders site, Inside Islam page.

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John Halderman

I've been studying about life, how it works and what we can do with it for over 30 years. This has included many religions, philosophies, spirituality, psychology and sciences along with my own personal discovery and growth. Through all this I have come to feel we are all of one source. We have many varied descriptions of this source and our role within it, with a thread of commonality running through them all connecting our oneness. I feel that our putting more attention to this oneness is what will bring us together as one operating force of love and understanding. It is my purpose to help oneness and unity to become our functional reality. John Halderman

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shehu ismail - September 30, 2011

islam is good


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